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6 Rules of Park Etiquette

8 Aug 2019

Updated September 2022.

Holiday parks bring together people from all walks of life and give you the opportunity to connect with travellers from all over the country and the world. At their busiest, holiday parks can be bustling hives of activity, with caravanners, motorhomes, and families in cabins all enjoying the great outdoors, together.

Caravan park etiquette  banner

Whether you’re planning your first visit to a holiday park or your one hundredth, it’s helpful to know what’s expected to make your stay – and your neighbour’s – a great one. Here are six things to keep in mind when it comes to park etiquette.


Keep the noise down

We like all our guests to get a good night’s rest, so you can expect parks to have a set ‘quiet time’ from 10pm to 6am. Caravan, tent and camper walls are thin and noise really does carry in the still of the night, so keep noise to a minimum and stay in your cabin or caravan in the late evening.

Caravan park etiquette quiet time

Make friends with your neighbours

Caravan parks give the whole family the opportunity to meet new people, from the kids to the grandparents! You can swap stories from the road, share advice and travel tips – you might even find someone to share the next leg of your trip.

The team at park will also be keen to say hello and have a chat, to share their local knowledge and ensure you have a comfortable stay.

Caravan park etiquette friends

Be pet conscious

Many of our parks are pet-friendly, which means even your four-legged friend can have a holiday. If you’re travelling with your pet there are a few things to keep in mind.

Always clean up after them and keep them on a leash so they stay safe and don’t get into places they shouldn’t. It’s also worth remembering that not all pets are as friendly as yours, so be careful with socialising animals together or when introducing them to people.

Caravan park etiquette dogs

Keep to your space

Your site or cabin is your home away from home – and your neighbour’s is theirs. You wouldn’t cut through someone’s backyard, so don’t take shortcuts through other sites or encroach over boundary lines. As much as parks are a lively community space, everyone in park is entitled to enjoy their own area too.

Keep to roads and walkways and follow signage to help our park teams keep everyone happy and safe.

Caravan park etiquette friends

Clean up after yourself

This one almost goes without saying, but whether you’re staying in a cabin, caravan or pitching a tent make sure you leave the space as you found it. If you’re using shared facilities like BBQs and camp kitchens, always clean up when you’re done and dispose of waste in the appropriate bins.

You can shop locally to reduce waste by buying only what you need, and consider using alternatives to single-use plastic to help reduce rubbish in our communities and environment.

Caravan park etiquette facilities

Know your size

If you’re booking a campsite, keep in mind the dimensions of your set-up as not all sites can accommodate larger vehicles. It’s important to keep everything within the boundaries and never to move branches or tree limbs to accommodate your equipment. Chat to the Park team if you have any questions about where you can fit, and note all your dimensions including height.

Caravan park etiquette sites

We want you (and all our guests) to enjoy your stay. Keeping to these simple caravan park rules can really make a difference.

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